Armed to the Heart - Military Women, Work-life Balance, Female Veterans, Christian Moms, Pregnancy and Postpartum
Live out God’s calling in work & family life, within and beyond the uniform — Are you feeling alone as a woman of Christian faith in the military or another male-dominated environment? Are you driven to make a big impact, but wish you could be more present, and give more time to your family? Are you working to lead change, struggling to find your voice or courage as you swim against the current? Are you a high-achiever pouring yourself out for everyone else but burnt out, stressed, and struggling to find time for your own physical & mental health because there’s always so much that needs to be done? Does your harsh inner critic make you feel like no matter how much you do, it’s never enough? You know you’re called to be a leader and change-maker, but it’s hard to find others like you who also share your faith & values. Maybe you’re feeling forced to choose between. Every day is a battle, trying to give 100% in all the hats you wear. You’re performing well but your load is heavy, you’re weighed down by guilt, and exhausted from pushing through but never having a moment to rest. It’s hard to know what to say yes to, and scary considering a different course than the traditional path of success everyone is pushing you toward, or what you’ve always known. Maybe you’ve recently made the transition or are thinking about leaving the military. You don’t want your work to come at the expense of your family; they come first. Amidst it all, you just want to do God’s will. I see you sister. I’m on this journey with you. In this Podcast, you’ll find heart to heart conversations about motherhood and military life, work-life balance and leadership, all grounded in Biblical truths, my education & experience as a professionally-trained Catholic Mindset Coach, certified Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach, and lessons I’ve learned the hard way in the last 5 years of high level advocacy work fighting for mothers, families, and life in the military. I believe strongly that no one should have to choose between their family and their call to serve. That motherhood should never be the death of our dreams. That motherhood is not a limiting factor in what a woman can achieve, but lack of support can be. I started Armed to the Heart to be who I needed when I was in the trenches, overwhelmed by motherhood in the military, struggling in my mental health & postpartum recovery, drowning in my home, carrying so much guilt for the time I had to spend away from my baby, feeling so much pressure to prove myself in a combat arms unit and feeling like a failure in all of it. My family was getting the leftovers of me. I felt stifled in my faith. Trapped in the military. It felt impossible to actually live out my priorities. I felt so far from the superwoman others saw in me. As a dual military, active duty Army officer raising 2 sweet (and wild!) boys in the Catholic faith, a fierce advocate for my sisters in arms going through pregnancy & postpartum, a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser, & big dreamer with a heart to make a difference, I know the struggle that comes with wearing so many hats & trying to fulfill God’s call for us. Through so many answered prayers, the Lord has allowed me to be part of the change I want to see. To bridge the gaps I’ve experienced and seen in thousands of women’s experience in the military, through policy advocacy work, mentorship & coaching. To fight for motherhood, for life, and for freedom to live out our faith in the military. He taught me that our minds are the true spiritual battlegrounds, and that by learning to manage our mind, emotions, & time, we don’t have to be a victim to our circumstances. He showed me that by discerning His will in every season, it is possible to keep my faith and family first while making a meaningful impact. So if you’re ready to do the same, for the glory of God, this Podcast is for you! Lace up those boots sister, it’s time to jump in. We can do this together.

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Are you running a million miles an hour, pulled in tons of directions responding to one urgent demand after another, trying to constantly be productive with your to-do-list, and never feeling like you have a moment to truly rest, be still, or relax?
Today we're diving into 3 tips for how to slow down and start moving out of this place of constant busyness, reaction or survival mode, and constant DOING to learn how to BE, and build more balance.
Maybe you're the kind of person who thrives in chaos and high-pressure environments, who does well at a fast pace managing a lot on your plate, holding it all together. You get a lot done, and make a big impact doing it.
But when you're really honest with yourself, something doesn't feel quite right. Maybe you're not feeling truly fulfilled. Maybe it's wearing on you and you're just exhausted, or always feeling stressed, and wish you had more to give your family. Maybe you're struggling to experience the depth of joy you really want to because you're always feeling pulled toward something or like things are hanging over your head when you really want to shut it off and just be present -- the next tasks on your to-do-list, checking your phone, work and home responsibilities. You've worked so hard to get where you are, but can't enjoy any of it.
This is the silent suffering so many of us experience as women. I remember feeling so stuck and trapped in it, like there was no way out. But there is hope my friend! Today I'm gonna give you 3 simple steps of where to start when you want to slow down, but you're used to running a million miles an hour.
Download your Free Guide with 10 Must-Ask Questions to Help you Build a More Fulfilling Balance Between Family and Work
$37 Work-Life Balance Masterclass: An on-demand, self-paced video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. If you need somewhere to start to give you more breathing room and help you move out of the constant burnout, exhaustion, and guilt, I've got you!
Want to chat about working together or figure out your next right steps? Reach out at and we'll set up a 30 min time for a Clarity Call.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
You're gonna want a journal and pen for this one -- you can Download and print the free PDF that goes with this episode HERE to follow along at your own pace.
10 Must-Ask Questions if you desire greater balance between who you want to be for your family, and the impact you want to make in the world.
If you're wishing you had more to give your kids, your marriage, your home, but also have that heart and drive to make a difference in your work and your community, this is for you sister.
Maybe you're feeling like work is consuming your whole life, and you're feeling burnt out.
Maybe you love what you do, but you also feel like something is missing, or like you're made for more.
Maybe you're needing more stability or flexibility, and the freedom to lead a life more aligned with your values and priorities.
Maybe you're feeling like your family is sacrificing too much, and you're feeling the weight of guilt for how much time your work is stealing from them, and your heart is telling you it's time for a change.
Maybe you're not sure what the next steps are, you're terrified of all the unknowns, or you're navigating the decision of where to go next, or a process of transition and change.
Wherever this finds you, grab your favorite drink, settle in and let's dig in together to explore these important questions, and dream together to discover what God is speaking to you, and design your life and contribution with Him.
If you haven't downloaded the PDF that goes through these 10 Questions, you can do so HERE.
Work-Life Balance Masterclass: An on-demand, self-paced video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. If you need somewhere to start to give you more breathing room and help you move out of the constant burnout, exhaustion, and guilt, I've got you!
Want to chat about working together or figure out your next right steps? Reach out at and we'll set up a 30 min time for a Clarity Call.

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Do you struggle sometimes with negative self talk, and negative emotions?
Today I'm giving you an easy, step-by-step framework you can use to renew your mind, and cultivate mental & emotional command as the Lord calls us to (Romans 12:2). This will transform the way you show up in every area of life and handle challenges with much more grace.
Whenever you're struggling with negative emotions -- feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, frustrated, discouraged, inadequate, insecure, or anything that's weighing on you, this will help you decrease the harsh inner critic, process how you're feeling, and bring relief.
I walk through these 6 simple, yet powerful steps with clients in coaching sessions, and have personally embraced this as muscle memory over the last few years - it's made all the difference in the world. Applying these tips will empower you to break free from a mindset that's keeping you stuck, spiraling thought patterns, or unprocessed emotions that are affecting the way you show up for your family and as a leader.
Grab a journal and pen, and let's dig in sister!
Work-Life Balance Masterclass: An on-demand, self-paced video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. If you need somewhere to start to give you more breathing room and help you move out of the constant burnout, exhaustion, and guilt, I've got you!
Want to chat about working together or figure out your next right steps? Reach out at and we'll set up a 30 min time for a Clarity Call.
Ready to Jump into a 1:1 Power Hour? 1 hr Coaching Call for Mindset, Work-Life Balance or Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness, for military women & beyond

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
As we resume the podcast after our summer break, we're going to have a raw, real conversation about how we can navigate seasons of transition, change, and seasons of uncertainty or unknowns.
So if you're in the trenches like I am, this is for you sister.
Maybe it's a season of major life or career transition, maybe you're trying to figure out, plan, prepare for, and take the next steps. Maybe it's the next chapter in military, a big move, hoping and praying to start or grow your family, an unplanned pregnancy, or the last trimester of pregnancy. Maybe you're staring down a deployment on the horizon for you or your spouse.
Maybe it's the pressure you feel to have all the details carefully mapped out, everything planed to a T, and be perfectly prepared for whatever may come. If you're feeling the stress, emotions, overwhelm or the anxiety of wondering, is everything going to be ok? Is my family gonna be ok? How is this all gonna work out? Or as you're undergoing all this change and instability you just want it all to fall in place. I see you -- I'm right here with you.
So if you want to remain grounded in the Lord's peace through it all, this is for you.
I love you sister. And I encourage you to share this episode with a friend whose heart may need to hear this too.
Work-Life Balance Masterclass: An on-demand video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. It's a do at your own pace/time resource to serve you in this season and a great starting point for moving out of the constant burnout, overwhelm, and guilt.
Get in touch:

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Thank you so much for being part of this growing community! As we reach the 100 episode mark, I want to take a moment to celebrate and honor this journey, share a bit more about the behind the scenes of this season, what to expect moving forward, and give all the glory and praise to God.
Can't wait to see who wins the giveaway ($97 value!)
All my love,
Megan Gephart
Gain access to my new Work-Life Balance Masterclass for just $37! This is an on-demand video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. It's a do at your own pace/time resource to serve you in this season.
Ready to Jump into a 1:1 Power Hour? 1 hr Strategy & Mindset Coaching Call for Work-Life Balance or Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness, for military women & beyond
Want to explore if it'd be a good fit to work together but not sure where to begin? Send me an email at and we'll set up a 30 min time for a Discovery Call.

Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
We live in a world of constant distractions -- noise, input, demands, notifications, all these urgent things bombarding us from every direction. This is one of the most effective tools of the enemy to lead us astray & get us off course from God's will, divert our attention from our priorities, and even pervert the good things we're doing.
Distraction steals our time, presence, productivity, and ability to live out God's purpose for us at home, in our work, & every area of life.
So grab that notebook and pen -- today we're talking about what it looks like in the battleground of our lives, hearts and minds, and what we can do about it.
The enemy wants us to be distracted all day long:
To be pulled from where God wants us to focus, & get bogged down in things that don't matter.
To be too spread thin in our time and energy.
To steal our capacity to focus on our family & the people right in front of us.
To fall victim to lies & deception
To be distracted by shiny objects, or overly swayed by what the world tells us we "should" be doing, or other people's expectations & opinions of what we should pursue / what "success" looks like
To constantly be stressed and anxious, reactive, dwelling on mistakes, beating ourself up or ruminating on the past, or worried about the future.
For our minds to be stuck on all the things we don't have or are overwhelmed with.
The devil wants so many things to be swirling around our heads -- our to-do lists, incessant phone notifications, social media or even the news to pull us from the blessings and joys of the moment, our families, where we're uniquely called to serve, and what we're meant to give.
So let's walk through practical tips to combat this form of spiritual warfare. Let's do this together sister.
Gain access to my new Work-Life Balance Masterclass for just $37! This is an on-demand video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. It's a do at your own pace/time resource to serve you in this season.
Want to explore if it'd be a good fit to work together? Send me an email at and we'll set up a 30 min time for a Discovery Call.
Ready to Jump into a 1:1 Power Hour? 1 hr Strategy & Mindset Coaching Call for Work-Life Balance or Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness, for military women & beyond

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
In this episode, I'm getting really vulnerable with you to share 5 Lessons Learned when I was away from my family the last 2 months for my Army training course.
Whether you're in a crazy busy, hard season juggling work and family life, in a time of transition like pregnancy, postpartum, military moves, long distance in marriage / time apart from or as a family, discerning or preparing for change, especially in leaving the military or your job, or dealing with any uncertainty, unpredictability, or instability, this will resonate deeply with you.
This episode also includes:
An announcement of an exciting new offer for how I can serve & support you in work-life balance
I share a really hard decision we recently made in military/family life
My plans to take most of July off to focus on reintegrating back together with my family before this next season of the Podcast
Some exciting news to stay tuned for, about the Army Women's Initiative Team (I want to hear from you so I can be a voice for any ideas on continued change to support women who serve!)
Gain access to my new Work-Life Balance Masterclass for $37! This is an on-demand video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. It's a do at your own pace/time resource to serve you in this season.
Want to explore if it'd be a good fit to work together? Send me an email at and we'll set up a 30 min time for a Discovery Call.
Grab a Power Hour: 1 hr Strategy & Mindset Coaching Call for Work-Life Balance or Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness, for military women & beyond

Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
If you feel like you've gotta have your 3rd cup of coffee just to get through the day, I get it. Being pulled in so many directions every day is exhausting, and carrying everything that's on our plates can feel really heavy.
So today we're gonna dive into 15 hacks to find more energy, even in demanding seasons. Especially if you're up all night with your babies, EVEN when you're not getting that much sleep given mom life, busy work schedules, keeping up with the home, and managing all the things.
Over the last few years of being woken up throughout the night by my babies, and the craziness of solo parenting often, managing the home, balancing active duty Army life with my small business and advocacy work, these practical tips are what's enabled me to maintain optimal energy to do what God is calling me to do -- and I know it'll help you do the same.
Grab your favorite notebook and pen, and let’s dig in together!
Want to explore if it'd be a good fit to work together? Send me an email at and we'll set up a 30 min time for a Discovery Call.
Grab a Power Hour! 1 hr Strategy & Mindset Coaching Call for Work-Life Balance or Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness, for military women & beyond

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
So honored to bring an amazing guest to you today — Lissa Figgins is a military spouse of 27 years, mom of 3 (2 boys who are now serving on active duty themselves), a leader in her community, and a Christian time management coach.
Join us for honest conversations about navigating the challenges of marriage, motherhood, military life, mental health and PTSD, how we can live out our faith and calling within our homes & beyond, as busy Christian women.
Lissa shares so many beautiful, practical tips for how we can be more intentional in our relationship and improve our connection with our spouse, how to discern where God is calling us in this season, how to find more time for the things that matter most to us, and how to keep our priorities in order in the busyness of our daily lives.
Learn more about & support the FIGHT OAR DIE cause to provide community-centered mental health resources for military veterans and service members.
Connect with Lissa on her Podcast, Redeem Her Time
Lissa's Free REDEEM Her Time Life Roadmap
Want to schedule a Discovery Call to explore if it'd be a good fit to work together? Send me an email at and we'll set up a 30 min time.
Ready to Jump into a 1:1 Coaching Session? 1 hr Strategy & Mindset Coaching Call for Work-Life Balance or Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness, for military women & beyond

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Today we're gonna talk about perfectionism, and give you 5 practical strategies to combat it in daily life.
Maybe you've got impossibly high standards for yourself and are very critical with your failures and mistakes. You expect a lot of yourself. You want to do everything right, and give 100% to all that you do. You feel that pressure to do it all, and do it all perfectly.
You're not alone. I struggle with this. My clients struggle with this. My friends struggle with this.
It's quite the double-edged sword. On one hand, it motivates us to perform at a high level. It can help us achieve a lot of meaningful things, and make a big impact. To be someone others can count on to do great quality work. But on the other hand, it can make us feel stuck in insecurities, stress, anxiety, and be harmful internally.
We can have this pervasive sense of pressure & never being good enough. And it can really deeply impact every area of our life.
So today let's help you know what you can do to combat and manage your perfectionism & negative self-talk, so it's not managing you.
*REGISTER HERE for my Free Time Management & Stress Management Workshop Thurs JUN 8 at 8pm EST! (Recording will be made available for those who register)
You'll learn:
1. The 3 KEYS to Effective Time Management
2. The Secret to What Time Management is ACTUALLY all about (realizing & embracing this will make ALL the difference in the world in your ability to be more productive & present)
3. The SINGLE most powerful exercise you can do in just 10 minutes to free up HOURS of your time & energy
4. 2 quick, easy techniques you can use to relieve stress whenever you're feeling anxious about all the things that need to be done
Want to schedule a Discovery Call to explore if it'd be a good fit to work together? Send me an email at and we'll set up a 30 min time.
Ready to Jump into a 1:1 Coaching Session? 1 hr Strategy & Mindset Coaching Call for Work-Life Balance or Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness, for military women & beyond
**Break Free from Burnout Work-Life Balance Program coming soon!! JOIN THE WAITLIST to be the first to know and get an exclusive discount and bonus offer when it's released!! :)